Age Of Empires II: Visualizations Part I
(This is going to be a multi-post blog because that might make things more manageable for me. Also, now I can have a long winded introduction and not feel ba...
For everything you want to know about Brendan Boyd
A fun doc of all the important stuff
Details from a poster presented at the 245th AAS meeting
Slides from a talk presented at the ASTRONUM 2024 conference
Slides for an IACS student seminar talk
Details from a poster presented at the NIC 2023 conference
Details from a poster presented at the ASTRONUM 2023 conference
Details from a poster presented at the 241st AAS meeting (in Seattle)
Details from a poster session at the 2022 IHPC Summer School (in Athens)
Some of the fun(?) class projects I've done that would otherwise be lost in the ether if not recorded here
(This is going to be a multi-post blog because that might make things more manageable for me. Also, now I can have a long winded introduction and not feel ba...
Over the Summer, while finishing up my research at MSU, I made the SALSA python package as a sort of culmination of all/some of my research work. I hope it’l...
Well this is my first post so I hope you really enjoy it. Mostly just testing things but maybe you’ll find something interesting (you won’t).